Career Center Resources
As a Tiffin University student, you have several resources available to you for your career development including career assessments, an online job board, a resume builder with embedded AI technology and more. Take a look at some of our resources below.
Career Development Handouts
Looking for some information, but not interested in scheduling a one-on-one appointment? We have one to two-page handouts available that cover the following topics:
- Applying to Graduate School
- Career Fair Prep
- Cover Letters
- Crafting an Elevator Pitch
- Federal Applications and Resumes
- Handshake Help
- Internship Search
- Interview Checklist
- Interviewing 101
- Negotiating Your Salary
- Networking
- Professional Dress
- Professional Email Etiquette
- Resume Rights & Wrongs
You can find these handouts under the Career Center Resources section of Handshake or by emailing us at
Career Fair & Events
Every year, Career Services hosts a total of 35+ events including workshops and Career Fairs.
Career Fairs
Career Services organizes three on-campus Career Fairs annually. In both the Fall and Spring semesters, we host an all-majors Career Fair, showcasing more than 55 diverse employers to ensure representation across all academic disciplines. Additionally, every Fall, we host the TU and OCCJE Criminal Justice and Social Sciences Internship and Career Fair, which focuses on employers and opportunities in these fields. These events are open to all students and alumni. Leading up to the Career Fairs, we offer Career Fair Prep Workshops and resume printing for current students.
Etiquette Event
Our largest event outside of Career Fairs is the annual Etiquette Event, held in the Spring semester. Each year, we change the theme to keep it exciting and relevant, covering topics such as formal dining etiquette, interviewing etiquette, networking etiquette and more. This event is highly popular and reaches student capacity every year.
We offer a variety of workshops, with topics changing annually to reflect student interest, best practices and job market trends. Past topics have included:
- Resume Review
- Internship Search
- Internship Search for International Students
- ChatGPT + Your Job Search
- Job Search Workshop: Senior Edition
- Ask an Expert
- Total Job Deconstruction
- Career Planning
- Career Fair Prep
In addition to on-campus and virtual workshops, we also organize employer site visits where students spend several hours at a company to learn about its culture and career opportunities, enhancing their social capital.
For a full list of our events and to register, visit Handshake’s Events tab or email us for more information.
Focus 2 is an online resource intended to guide students in their major and career decisions through detailed reports of thorough self-assessment tools. Discover and explore majors and occupations that match your personal attributes including your work interests, values, personality, leisure and skills.
To register for an account or to log in, visit
(Access Code: dragons)
Handshake is the #1 way college students find jobs. You can access Handshake by visiting and logging in using your email address and password.
Jobs and Internships
During the 2022-2023 academic year, Handshake featured postings from over 2,500 employers, totaling 38,500 jobs and internships– and this number continues to grow! Employers interested in posting opportunities with Tiffin University students must request access and receive approval from Career Services – that means employers who are posting to TU’s Handshake account are looking to hire Dragons for their open roles!
On-Campus Jobs
We encourage all on-campus departments to post their on-campus positions to Handshake. Most on-campus positions are posted in the weeks leading up to the Fall and Spring semesters, but we recommend checking the site regularly and setting up email notifications to stay informed about new postings.
Career Center
The Career Center tab on Handshake offers a range of valuable resources and services. Here you can schedule appointments with the Office of Career Services staff, access one-page handouts under Resources and find a list of all of our events and employers in our special employer collections.
Ready to level up your resume game? Meet SkillsFirst Resume Builder – the ultimate tool for crafting an awesome, recruiter-eye-catching resume. Whether you want to upload your resume or start fresh with one of 30+ templates and industry-specific samples, we’ve got you covered.
SkillsFirst’s cutting-edge AI technology will scan your resume to spot missing skills, qualifications and career readiness competencies, plus catch any grammar and spelling slip-ups.
This is the perfect tool for anyone kicking off their resume, updating it, tailoring it to specific industries or gearing up for internship and job applications. Access SkillsFirst Resume Builder at For more information on how to utilize this resource, email
Starting in Spring 2025, Tiffin University students will gain access to TeamWorkU through TeamWork Online, a platform tailored for connecting candidates with sports-related opportunities. TeamWorkU offers a unique program that facilitates connections with sports industry employers through features such as mock interviews, special badging, online business cards and more. To prepare for the TeamWorkU launch, we recommend creating and completing your TeamWork Online profile in advance. For more information, email
Explore More Resources
The Tiffin University Career Services Office (TU-CSO) makes no representations or guarantees about positions or events listed on its website or physical bulletin boards and is not responsible for the safety, wages, working conditions or other aspects of employment. TU-CSO makes no specific or implied guarantees of employment as a result of obtaining a degree or the taking of any courses. It is the responsibility of the student, alumnus or community member to take all necessary precautions when interviewing for or accepting any position. He or she is solely responsible for obtaining or confirming any necessary information concerning an employer.
The TU-CSO website contains links to other websites or events as a convenience for its users and is not responsible for the contents of any linked site. Anyone who discovers misuse or abuse of our website or other posting is encouraged to report the matter to TU-CSO, either in person or by email at: or by calling the Executive Director of Career Services at 419-448-3422.
Student Support
Contact Us
We’re Here for You!
Bethani Burkhart
Director of Career Services
800.968.6446 ext. 3422